How are delegated acts and implementing acts adopted in 2023? Find out with EPPA’s Handbook on EU Secondary Legislation. Visual, concise, easy to understand, with all the latest developments including Better Regulation and Comitology Reform.
EU FINANCIAL SERVICES – The Ins and out of the Decision making Process (EN) With this new book – the first of its kind – we provide you with a visual, understandable overview of the EU system of financial services regulation. What is an RTS, an ITS, a delegated act? How are they adopted? Who drafts and who scrutinises? EU Financial Services: The ins and outs of the Decision-making Process will answer these questions, helping you master the labyrinth and increase your ability to operate effectively in this complex environment.
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Avec le Traité de Lisbonne et les nouvelles pratiques des Institutions, travailler avec l´UE devient plus complexe, plus ad hoc et plus juridique. Ce livre analyse concrètement les transformations radicales dans les phases de proposition, d’adoption et d’exécution. Une lecture qui vous donne un coup d’avance dans vos stratégies dans l´UE.
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With the Lisbon Treaty and new institutional practices, lobbying in the EU is becoming more complex, more opaque, more ad hoc and more legal. This book analyses in depth the radical transformation of the drafting, adoption and implementation phases of EU decision-making.
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The first edition of the Practical Guide to the EU Labyrinth was published in 1991.
32 years and 16 editions later, Daniel Guéguen and Vicky Marissen now offer an updated and adapted edition.
The Treaty of Lisbon of 1 December 2009 requires a comprehensive reform of this guide to understand the new procedures, new ways of conduct and new practices of the EU.
After reading this guide, enriched with diagrams, examples and summaries, the structures, competences and procedures of the European institutions will no longer hold any secrets for you.
C’est en 1991 que la première édition du Guide pratique du labyrinthe communautaire est parue.
32 ans et 16 éditions plus tard, Daniel Guéguen et Vicky Marissen proposent aujourd’hui une édition mise à jour et adaptée.
Le traité de Lisbonne du 1er décembre 2009 nécessite une réforme globale de ce guide permettant d’appréhender et de comprendre les nouvelles procédures, les nouveaux comportements et les nouvelles pratiques de l’Union.
Après la lecture de ce guide, enrichi de schémas, d’exemples et de synthèses, les structures, pouvoirs, procédures des institutions européennes n’auront plus aucun secret pour vous.
Un petit laboratoire pharmaceutique fait valoir ses droits contre la Commission européenne pour obtenir l’autorisation de mise sur le marché d’un médicament orphelin.
Une étude de cas sur 1.000 jours de bataille dans le labyrinthe de la comitologie post-Lisbonne.
Ce petit livre très pédagogique explique comment le Traité de Lisbonne a complexifié les processus de décision communautaire (actes délégués et actes d’exécution) et contribué à l’émergence d’une Europe bureaucratique au détriment de l’Europe politique. Les 20 dernières pages du livre sont consacrées à la « Saga Orphacol » qui pendant plus de 1.000 jours a opposé un petit laboratoire pharmaceutique à la DG SANTE de la Commission pour l’enregistrement d’un médicament orphelin. Le cas Orphacol constitue l’un des exemples les plus frappants de la Comitologie en action.
This very educational little book explains how the Lisbon Treaty has made the EU decision-making processes (delegated acts and implementing acts) more complex, contributing to the emergence of a bureaucratic Europe at the expense of political Europe. The final 20 pages of the book are devoted to the ‘Orphacol Saga’ which for more than 1,000 days saw a small pharmaceutical laboratory battle against the Commission’s Health DG to achieve the registration of an orphan drug. The Orphacol case is one of the most striking examples of comitology.
Written in 2003 by Daniel Guéguen and Juan Carlos Gonzalez Alvarez, a journalist specialised in monetary affairs at the Europolitics news agency, this book predicted the many difficulties that the euro has faced in recent times and those which await it in the future.
The whole story of how a small pharmaceutical laboratory stood up for its rights against the European Commission to obtain marketing authorisation for an orphan medecine.
Written in 2004, this book remains a useful tool for a deep analysis of the advocacy groups in the EU. In particular, the book addresses in depth the question of how to enhance the functioning of a European association. Daniel Guéguen’s reflections and comments remain relevant. For example, the 60-question grid will allow you to analyse your advocacy performance in just of a few minutes.